JP Greystone Mollie is what I named the little ball of fur. She chose me as I was sitting on the kitchen floor of her owners’ home. What a dollbaby! Natural ears that tipped over so beautifully, great personality and boundless energy. However, the more weeks that went by, the stronger her ear muscles got and, voila! Here is what they became…and she wouldn’t have been the same without them. They just made her “Mollie”. And when she became an adult, she had the most beautiful silver coat I have ever seen. She looked like a shiny new nickel after her bath. My baby had lots of medical problems her whole life, but she didn’t let them slow her down. She chased rabbits and squirrels in our back yard, LOVED her daily walk, had a retired racing greyhound for a step-sister for a few years, then became an only child. She was the light of my life and it went out on December 27, 2003. She had been diagnosed with congestive heart failure and a grade 4 heart murmur in June of that year, but she braved on. Then in September, I met my soulmate, Ron. We married on December 12th and my dear little Mollie held on till the 27th. I know in my heart that she stayed to make sure I found someone to love and love me before she left for the Rainbow Bridge. She will always live on in my heart and memories, and I smile now when I think of the things she used to do. What a gift she was! Reside in peace at The Bridge, little one, and I’ll find you there. Love, ("Mommie" is Jennie Stone-Gillihan, Newnan, GA)

May 19, 1990 - December 27, 2003