Tribute to Misty

I also lost my precious little Misty in August 2006. She was a rescue and had been used for a breeder, kept in a cage for the five years before I got her. She flew into my arms and never ever willingly left my side. She slept right beside me, touching me all night for the next nine years. I never even knew she was sick. She was a little short of breath going up the stairs, but I did not think much about it. She was a little old fat dog and I am even short of breath going upstairs

Schultz & Misty

She and my other Schnauzer, Schultz, were fighting over a piece of watermelon on Thursday. Friday, she did not want to eat, took her to the vet and she had enlarged lymph nodes. They thought maybe her teeth, the few she had left. They gave her antibiotics and sent her home. She ate a little on Saturday, wouldn't eat Sunday, ate a little bit Monday and I took her back to the vet Tuesday. They sent me to a specialist, and they ran a lot of tests, kept her overnight, the only night she ever spent away from me. They called me at 6 the next morning and told me it was lung cancer, and I went early that morning and held her during her last moments of life.
She was the most precious little dog I have ever had. She loved only me, and as one person put it, she had never seen a dog who had her own personal god. She only tolerated the other dog, the cat, and my husband. She loved only me. I am so glad I was with her to the end. She had a happy life with me and I am ever thankful I answered the ad in the paper June 1, 1997.



I have two puppies, one year old , Katie and Shadow, and I love them dearly. I guess there is always a schnauzer shaped hole in your heart when you lose one. There is room to love them, but nothing can ever fill the void she left in my heart.

Schultz & Katie


My Schultz is now 15, and deaf. He mourned and looked for her for a long time. He is happy and comfortable, but I realize he does not have long. I am thankful for him. He has been my travel buddy on many trips across the U.S.

Will be Missed
July 13, 1992 - August 2, 2006