Dedicated to Joy

Joy was about 3 when she was gifted to us, she was about the best gift we have ever had. She was originally to be a show dog and she loved nothing better than standing for any amount of time being groomed.

But she was a half inch too small to be a show dog so she became a pet. Lucky for us! She loved to untie your shoes when you came in and was forever getting in messes. Like one day she fell into our small fish pond and came running into the house GREEN from the moss climbing out.

She jumped into my lap with her face into mine almost laughing! Another time we couldn't find her and finally spotted her in a clothes hamper where she had fallen into being nosy and she was too embarrassed to bark to let us know where she was.

She always let us know if anyone was outside, either animal or human except the only time I know of when she didn't and that was when a policeman was giving my car a ticket outside our front door for being parked in the wrong direction and she never made a peep!

She was named Joy rightly so cause each day was joyful. She loved her red sock and had to sleep with it each night.

She finally got a lot of health issues going on and the last year and half she was sick a lot and we never regretted paying for the best of care for her and rushing to the ER at night many times.

She passed on 12-8-04 and we had to make that choice. We can't wait to see her again one day and hear about her funny antics we have missed.

June 14,1996 - Dec 8, 2004